We are delighted to announce the introduction and launch of the 14 piece Silesian Jazz Orchestra “Soul Showband” to supplement the 20 piece Silesian Jazz Orchestra 2020 sees the inclusion of the 14 piece (3 vocalists & 11 Instrumentalists) Ensemble
Silesian Jazz Orchestra Summer 2019 Tour Concerts
Friday 14 June 20:00 Amphitheater Swinoujscie
SJO Deutschland Konzert
Samstag 15 Juni 20:00 Heringsdorf Jazz Festival
SJO with Grazyna Lobaszewska in Jawor
Sunday 16 June 18:00 Jaworskie Koncerty Pokoju
Pre-Concert Television Interview
Interview with Ziggy Sigmund Lindner Pre-Concert Telewizja Sudecka TV Link: http://www.tvsudecka.pl/wiadomosci/65636,sillesian-jazz-orchestra-zagrala-w-klodzkim-osrodk
SJO 29 September Concert Particulars
Silesian Jazz Orchestra forthcoming September concert Saturday 29 September 7:00pm Klodzko Performing Arts Centre Pl. W. Jagielly 1 Klodzko Bookings and Reservations: www.centrum.klodzko.pl, www.biletyna.pl, telephone 74 864 3364 Tickets 39,00 zl & 49,00 zl
2018 SJO Additional Partners Announced
Silesian Jazz Orchestra is delighted to announce and welcome additional esteemed partners to our organization. Further supplementary associates are currently being negotiated to embellish our magnificent Ensemble in 2018. Refer to Partners Section on our Website for further particulars
Seasons Greetings & wish all a flourishing New Year in 2018
SJO management and administration wish all Silesian Jazz Orchestra personnel, artists, staff, partners, sponsors, supporters and our enthusiastic audience a warm Festive Christmas Season together with a successful and abounding approaching New Year. We look forward to your continued support in the numerous exciting forthcoming projects which we have planned in 2018
TVP National TV Filming Silesian Jazz Orchestra
TVP National TV filming Silesian Jazz Orchestra at Studio MARIMAL, Wroclaw 10:00am Saturday 4th November
SJO at 2017 European Jazz Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia
Silesian Jazz Orchestra was once again represented in Europe at the recent prestigious 2017 European Jazz Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia by SJO delegate and Music Director Sigmund Lindner
TV Sudecka SJO Interview
TV Sudecka Pre-Concert Interview and Silesian Jazz Orchestra Concert Performance Excerpts:
Silesian Jazz Orchestra forthcoming concert
Concert Saturday 12 August 7:00pm
Teatr Zdrojowy, Polanica-Zdroj
Bookings and reservations: rezerwacje@teatr.polanica.pl +48 74 869 06 43
Tickets from 45 zl
Silesian Jazz Orchestra features on City’s advertisement
2017 Five minute promotion advertisement campaign of Southern Silesian City featuring the Silesian Jazz Orchestra link:
Press Release Article. Silesian Jazz Orchestra
Press Release Article link:
Happy and prosperous new year in 2017
May all the Silesian Jazz Orchestra personnel, support staff, partners, colleagues and associates have a successful year in 2017